Resources for Families with Special Needs
Click on the yellow links below for TONS of valuable information about supports and resources available in our community for families with special needs.
Return to SBC HOME
Overview of Employment for Individuals with Disabilities
This presentation discusses:
- Competitive Integrated Employment
- Transition Planning with the School District
- Workability Programs
- Pre-Employment Transition Services from the DOR
- Department of Rehabilitation Services
- Regional Centers Employment Services
- Tips for Parent Advocates
Harbor House Clubhouse Program
A place for individuals with special needs to develop their life and vocational skills and assistance with job placement.
"Return Home Registry"
Sign Up Now!
Did you know police officers frequently respond to calls from citizens with requests for assistance in locating loved ones?In an effort to help officers in finding lost or wandering persons when they go missing from their home or caregiver, the Huntington Beach Police Department has started a new program called "Return Home Registry." This voluntary program is offered at no expense to participants.Caregivers can register persons suffering from debilitating illnesses including, but not limited to, Alzheimer's, autism, cerebral palsy, intellectual disability, etc.
CONTACT HBPD Non-Emergency line for more info
(714) 960-8811
The Center for Autism
Educational Opportunities -
Strategies for Autism
Start preparing for life after age 22
All kinds of great info on the following topics:
Affordable housing, Transition basics, Certificate of Completion vs. High School Diploma, Age of Majority, State Council on Developmental Disabilities, Home Based Services, WIOA and Cal-Able, Lanterman Act, Regional Center, Orange County community resources, Finance and transportation needs
OCTA Workshop
Travel Training
Epilepsy Support Network
of Orange County
First time callers to ESN will receive immediate support and education through individualized attention for best possible seizure and symptom control.
(714) 916-0456
Get Involved
Special Olympics!
SSI Information
For great information on SSI, please see the flyer below, and click the link to find important CAL ABLE benefits resources!
State Council On Developmental Disabilities
Learn about a variety of services available to families with special needs.